Thursday 26 June 2014

The Grand Eternal and the Sermon on the Mount

The subconscious is a collection of infinite doorways connected with streams and corridors, paths that lead to nowhere but everywhere, all tangled together in a colossus soup of "fantasy" and reality, the difference being that our subconscious is connected to every living creature and plant on this planet as well as far beyond this world we live in, we come from out beyond the stars, the only place carbon and other such materials can be created are in the incredible pressures created when a star is born, or at its death connecting all living things to its initial birth within a star.

Everything we see, hear, smell, taste, imagine and create are the only guidelines we have to understand our own "conscious" mind, our own personal ethics and understanding of morality are on the surface of our conscious being but to understand the subconscious, you have to look beyond what natural order insist we believe.
example: If you were raised in a country where it is socially and culturally accepted to murder and enslave other beings, be they human plant or animal your conscious mind, your personal moral compass tells you it is absolutely fine to commit such acts, you were raised and lead to understand that "this is for the greater good" and this changes the hands on your "conscious" moral compass, and is justification to commit such acts. But to understand this, you have to understand survival, and that personal gain not for the benefit of every living being (greed) is not survival, it is vanity, and vanity will ruin your mind, which then leads to boredom and boredom leads to destruction, destruction of the mind body and "soul". Killing predatorily is very much a part of survival, so long as we only take what we need to survive, if our consciousness is threated, and we take action to counter the threat, this is also survival, and survival has no negative effect on our "Subconscious" moral compass, a compass shared between every living carbon based life form. your soul is what i believe to be your subconscious, and with that in mind, think about the day to day choices you make, and the drive behind those choices, what is pushing you to commit to your routines, or in turn break from those routines, is it driven by your conscious moral compass, or your subconscious morality, as a human, a living creature, who has committed crimes, treated people un fairly and taken more than I have needed to better and improve my social standing in life, i have felt and understand the difference between my subconscious and conscious moral code, i have in the past convinced myself that my wrong doings are justified by society, and the murmurs felt in my stomach are not warning signs from our subconscious, but a curiosity induced by fear of change, i now know that this is not true and that even if society and culture tells me its ok to do these things my subconscious, my connection to everything, is actually telling me, "this is wrong" i imagine over time we have diluted our body’s enough to be able to either ignore or supress this feeling, and the truest most powerful form of this feeling is guilt, a subconscious understand that we are doing wrong.

Now before this starts to sound like some idealistic hippie philosophy, I’d like to go into a substance called N,N-Dimethyltryptamine , a psychedelic compound used throughout  the ages by a number of different religious and none religious groups, also as a recreational substance within western society, and is used to bridge the gap between consciousness and subconscious , meaning this is almost the key to visit your own subconscious within your own mind. In the altered state of consciousness you experience whilst taking DMT you are exposed to a number of changes, you are no longer apart of this world we have created but yet feel a part of something so much bigger, you can reach out your hands and all you can see is this kaleidoscopic world you are now connected to, when you sleep, a small dose of DMT is realised into your mind, this induces dreams, your consciousness is still awake, and it is like looking into the window of your subconscious, without being fully integrated  with it, and your subconscious knows every little detail about you and your life, the mistakes you have made, the good you have done for others and the real drive behind your actions, and this for some people can be very scary, this is why
We don’t always understand the terrors we find in our nightmares, because it is our subconscious causing them, not or conscious mind. This is why it is very important we try to understand our dreams a lot more than we do. In the eyes of others you could be the perfect human, you do things for others, you are not greedy, your care and love the people around you and commit selfless acts, but what is the drive behind all this? maybe that drive is to gain enough power and respect that you are raised to a position of power, a social standing above other men and women, and then with this new found power, you become vain, maybe not in your conscious mind yet, you start to develop  greed, and you start to dictate to others your methods and stories of success and this dilutes your moral ethics, your now working to your own rules and codes, and not the grand eternal code  that is stitched within our subconscious. You have to understand this is not the case for every (deemed by society) successful man or women but is only an example of what can and will happen. And in that case there is no excuse for stupidity or ignorance, we all carry this clock, this code of right, wrong  and survival.

You won’t have been told about this in school science labs, or from watching your TV, or your parents and family, because it is hidden and ignored by the powers that try control our conscious mind. when you die DMT is released into your brain as with all living things, any living thing that dies, realises DMT, it is the perfect indication of life, and when your exposed to DMT you lose any understanding of time, time is no longer a rule, time is no longer anything, whilst taking a dosage of 0.05 of a gram of DMT 5 minutes can seem like a whole day within your subconscious, but you don’t know how long a day is, and have nothing to compare to, the only reason you feel this, is because your consciousness is still making you aware of time, a rule only important on our conscious earth, but you die, and death is the end of consciousness, time is no more, the amounts of DMT released  are almost chaotic in comparison to recreational use an everlasting eternal trip of the subconscious, effected tremendously by the choices you made in your conscious mind. The Grand Eternal, choices you made in life will haunt you for eternity in your last trip, a trip that has no concept of time and is very honest your true personality will be exposed and this will either cause you to punish yourself, or exist in peace in an interstellar world where anything and everything is possible, so long as you learn to control your subconscious.

Daniel Brown  

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