Thursday 19 June 2014

Rebel Drones - Wont Have It

Rebel Drones - Wont Have It 

Matt Hollywood / The Brian Jones Town Massacre / The Out Crowd / Portland / Drone / Drone - Rock / Neo - Psychedelic / Psychedelia  


Your talking a Friday afternoon, works done, you take pity on all the faces you see on the time consuming walk home. You arrive, sit down, instantly your elated, you know tonight is your night, it has been all week, you have enough powder to sedate a rhino, enough balls to give your mind for experimentation, your friends are on route, you have one spliff before the mass increase of serotonin.
Turn the volume up past half way, you've been jamming Jonestown for weeks. 
Sooner or later your recreating something from Irvine Welsh's wet dream. Your weary toes hardly touch the floor, your surrounded by a mass of real and faux love, perspiration flooding the air in the room, Beams of light break through the cracks in the blinds, godless heathens smear your bedroom floor and your sipping wine from a pint glass, smiling towards anyone who will care to return the gesture, reach for the records, close your generous eyes for the first time all night, let those bitter sweet dreamscapes capture the remenets of your mind. 

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